Eat healthy and live a productive life

Healthy Food image

Eat healthy and live a productive life. Our daily diet is part of our day-to-day discussions. It is a subject that interests everyone. Many people want to know whether their diet is appropriate and providing nutrition that is vital for their health.

Remember, our eating habit has a large impact on our productivity. You must have heard, “You are what you eat”. Your ability to achieve something largely depends upon your eating habits.

Unhealthy food, especially fast foods are always cheaper and quickly available, but in the long run, it has a bad impact on our stomach and our general well-being.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” 

—Jim Rohn

Healthy Diet is vital for our well-being

Diet doesn’t mean skipping meals. Food provides the energy that is essential to work on a day to day basis. If we are hungry, sugar level reduces in our body, which makes it difficult for us to concentrate on work, our brain requires energy to function too.

When you consume a balanced diet, it helps you maintain your ability to think and produce better results at work.

When I try to explain why I cut down on sugary items or fatty food, many of my friends say, “Eat everything, nothing happens. It’s all in your mind”, but there is a huge relationship between nutrient intake and its impact on our body.

Your poor eating habits can impact badly on your health and your productivity at work.

“Healthy does NOT mean starving yourself EVER. Healthy means eating the right food in the right amount”.

– Karen Salmansohn

Eat Healthy, Live a Happy and Healthier life

Low-cost diets are easily accessible for everyone round the clock. From street food to a long chain of fast-food outlets, you find almost every food corner is busy. Low-cost diets are energy-dense but poor in nutrition, and it has resulted in a hidden hunger.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), “Hidden Hunger” occurs when the quality of food people eat does not meet their nutrient requirements, so the food is deficient in micronutrients. This limits their development, growth, health and working capacity.

“Within the study, participants reported their food consumption, mood, and behaviors over a period of 13 days. Afterward, researchers examined the way people’s food choices influenced their daily experiences.” Explains Ron Friedman in his article on Harvard business review. “Here was their conclusion: The more fruits and vegetable people consumed (up to 7 portions), the happier, more engaged, and more creative they tended to be.”

Apply simple formula “Eat healthy and live a productive life”.

Imagine yourself as personable

Decide a person you would like to look like. Imagine yourself as a healthy, fit, and energetic person and set a goal to achieve that sort of personality.
Only Diet won’t work, you need to work out on a daily basis too.

One step at a time

Do not try to change entire diet at a time, try gradual transition instead. If you are adding 2 teaspoons of sugar in your daily cup of tea, reduce it to one and half in the beginning.
If you are fond of having doughnut with coffee every morning, try to reduce a doughnut every alternate day. You won’t find much difference.

Remember, small change at a time will make a big difference in the long run.

Cut down sugar from different forms of food. It will help you change your sugar eating habits gradually, and one fine day you will see a big difference in reducing your sugar consumption.

Same goes for fast food, fatty foods, and other unhealthy snacks.
If you aim to reduce your weight and be a healthy person, always ask yourself before you eat any food, ” Would a healthy person eat this food?” Attach your self-response to that question and if your non-biased response is “YES”, go for it. Avoid your selection, if your response is “NO”.

So next time, you are hogging up any snacks, please remember to ‘Eat healthy and live a productive life’.

Effect of eating habit on our health

Our eating habits can affect our

  • Obesity
  • Blood pressure
  • Mental health

Keep your food low in FAT and get a grip on Obesity

Too much fast food and fatty items in diet is the biggest source of obesity. If you are obese and feel a lack of performance, you need to work on your diet on an immediate basis. Changing bad habits to good ones is not easy, even if it is related to a bad diet.

Nobody can win against will power, so do not try to control your diet with your will power. After a couple of days, you will start hogging when your self-control gives up. Make gradual changes in your diet. It is good for your body and your mind.

“More die in the United States of too much food than of too little”

― John Kenneth Galbraith

People eating ultra-processed foods ate more calories and gained more weight than when they ate a minimally processed diet, according to results from a National Institutes of Health study.

Consume low Sodium food to keep Blood pressure in control

People consume too much sodium that comes from salt added to processed food like pizza and/or other processed food. A high amount of sodium consumption is one cause of hypertension. Other snacks we munch on daily-basis like potato chips and cookies are high in sodium.

Similarly, other packaged foods like tomato sauce, frozen food items, and other canned vegetables or soups have a large amount of sodium.

Keep a watch on your daily dairy products intake, generally, dairy products like cheese, packaged full-fat milk are rich in calcium but are rich in sodium.

Reduce processed food from your daily intake, try fresh vegetables and fruits instead. If you buy processed food on a regular basis, look for “Low-sodium” or “No salt added” labeled food.

Keep healthy snacks near your desk to increase your Mental health

Healthy snacks like, nuts and protein bars can be good replacements for potato chips and unhealthy sugary cookies.

According to National Center for Biotechnology Information, nuts generally reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent certain types of cancers.

Nuts such as Cashew, hazelnuts, and walnuts are the biggest plant-based source and rich in Omega-3 fats, Magnesium, Vitamin B6, and are great sources of protein. These nuts are known to support our brain health.

Our healthier diet can improve our mental health and give us the ability to think positively.

When you are relaxed, you create better ideas and boost your productivity. Eat well, think well and enjoy your life.

Reduce fizzy drinks, like canned soda and energy drinks

Fizzy drinks generally contain a significant amount of caffeine and sugar.

Energy drinks may give a temporary kick to a person and increase alertness, but the majority of studies show its connection with negative health effects.

According to National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, a growing body of scientific evidence shows that energy drinks can have serious health effects, particularly in children, teenagers, and young adults.

Reduce dependency on such drinks to increase your alertness and productivity.

Sufficient water intake helps you stay healthy

Water is an essential part of our daily diet, it makes 60% of the human body. It regulates our metabolism, body temperature, and helps our brain function properly.

For your body to stay hydrated, you must consume an adequate amount of water and beverages that contain water. It is suggested that 8 Glass of water is sufficient to be consumed on a daily basis.

If you want to be dynamic, live happily, and enjoy your life, “Eat healthy and live a productive life”.

Disclaimer: The contents of this website are for educational purposes and are not intended to offer personal medical advice. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any products.

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18 thoughts on “Eat healthy and live a productive life

    1. Thank you so much, for your valuable inputs. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you

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  2. Thank you very much for Good and nice Article always I m sharing your Articles with my friend and our WhatsApp Group.

    1. Thank you so much, Suhail, for your valuable inputs. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you

    1. Thank you, Sanad, for your valuable inputs. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you

        1. Thank you so much, Zafar, for your valuable inputs. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you

  3. Absolutely, in asian cultures especially there still doesnt seem to be that level of knowledge on how fats, and essentially sugars have an effect on us. Sugar is still a relatively new thing that was only added into our diets recently in the past 100 years or so and has a huge effect on the body causing inflammation. Also agree that it should be gradually and slowly reduced.

    Good article!

    1. Thanks a lot Amad for your valuable inputs. You are absolutely right, we need to watch on our daily sugar intake. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you.

  4. “Jan hay to Jehan hay”
    Thanks Mr.Zuber for sharing this, Really a good topic all points are useful but specifically for Suger’s patient, We have to take seriously even all the viewers and physically implement on our daily routine according to highlighted points.

    1. Thank you, Mian, for your valuable inputs. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you.

      1. Thank you very much for Good and nice Article always I m sharing your Articles with my friend and our WhatsApp Group.

        1. Thank you so much Afsar for your wonderful comments. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you.

  5. All the points are valuable, it will really helpful in maintaining a good health . Obviously following in a disciplinary way is a must.

    Thanks Mr.Zubair

    1. Welcome, Ziyadh and Thanks a lot for your valuable input. I am glad that you are enjoying my articles. Please keep visiting this site to see the most recent updates on different topics that may interest you.

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